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American Dream~vol.2~

American Dream~vol.2~




Nick name:ayumi, AYU.

Favorite food:Spicy food. Mostly Asian food.

Favorite music: Ballade. Eric Clapton and Billy Joel are great musician.

Favorite movie: The Roman Holiday, Sister’s act, Ghost, My big fat wedding....

My Problem: coffeine addicted. Slightly social phobia, high-tech phobia.

Worries:About my future job.

Place that I want to go: Mykonos island (Greece)

The word which moved me a lot: WE MUST CRAWL BEFORE WE WALK

Short History: I was born in Fukui city in Japan. It locates near Kyoto. I’ve been there until I was 18, and moved to Tokyo after I graduated from high school. I stayed in Tokyo for a year, and left Japan. I started my new life in the United States as the century turned. In 2001, I transfered to Diablo Valley College in C.A. and studied in there for a year and a half. After I completed my A.A.degree from there, I had a 8-month off and came back to the United States to continue my study. Now I’m studey at UC Berkeley, and having a great school life in here.

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